Answers and Solutions
Can I buy or sell in bulk with Tetchy Tech?
Yes! Tetchy Tech does arrange bulk sales as well as bulk purchasing. We have a dedicated department for such transactions, however they require a set of information before they are able to determine how we can best serve your needs.
Please email us through our contact form with the answers to the following questions. Our sales team will review the information and follow up with you.
01. Company/Business:
02. Contact Name:
03. Website:
04. Mailing address:
05. Telephone:
06. Item description: (Manufacturer, Series and Model Number)
07. Quantity:
08. Desired Cosmetic Condition:
09. Acceptable Defects:
10. Reason for purchase:
11. Bulk Purchase frequency:
12. Offered dollar amount per unit:
13. Primary Contact Email: